Socialite Crime Club

🎥 Youtube ChannelUnknownUnknown
0 Listeners (monthly)
Starting at $25/cpm
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We produce a high end video production/podcast covering True Crime. We are extremely unique in this space as we are a husband and wife team with previous law enforcement backgrounds and extensive backgrounds in cell phone tracking. We have been involved with 1000s of investigations around the world.

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We have a very diverse audience, capturing all ages, sex, race.


0 Listeners (monthly)




We are launching November 1st and expect to rapidly grow over the next 6 months, as such we are offering early signing discounts to our ad space.
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Starting at $25

Main Offer

$25 per 1000 views
CPM (pay per 1000 views)
We produce a weekly podcast that will air on YouTube. We are offering Host-Read ads organically placed in each episode at a special rate of $25 cpm. We have a full production studio and can assist in creating ads, to include video.