Susannah Fullerton

Susannah Fullerton

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5,800 Subscribers
Starting at $349/sponsoring
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Susannah Fullerton invites sponsors to partner with her in her monthly literary newsletter. Susannah is a highly regarded and respected figure in the world of literature, particularly known for her expertise in the life and works of the celebrated author, Jane Austen. She is a prominent Austen scholar, lecturer, and literary tour guide, and her passion for literature has earned her recognition and admiration from literature enthusiasts and scholars alike. With meticulous attention to detail, Susannah seeks out literary treasures to share. She is Australia's most highly renowned literary speaker.

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My newsletter audience represents a wide range of demographics. Here's a snapshot: • Age range: mostly 50+ years • Gender: 80% female • Geographic distribution: Australia, New Zealand, USA, England, world-wide • Interests: books, poetry, reading, literature history, theatre, travel, the arts


5,800 Subscribers






• List: 5,000 engaged • Open rate: average 74% • Click-through rate (CTR): average 19% • Unsubscribe rate: less than 0.5%
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Starting at $349
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$349 /sponso
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You (or your brand) will be my featured supporter for one month in my regular Notes From A Book Addict newsletter. This is what you will receive: • Recognition as a supporter of a high-quality literary resource • A feature item in my regular Notes From A Book Addict newsletter issued on the 1st day of the month of your sponsorship • At least one mention on my Facebook page as my monthly supporter