The Gegenpressing Podcast

The Gegenpressing Podcast

🎙 Podcast⚽️ Sport🇺🇸 English
22,000 Listeners (monthly)
Starting at $700/sponsoring_monthly
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The Gegenpressing podcast is the largest english-speaking German football/soccer podcast in the world. We cater to US/UK fans of the Bundesliga with over 70% of our total listenership coming from either country or Canada.

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Our audience are football/soccer fans with a specific interest in the German and European leagues. 50% come from the United States, 15% come from the UK, 5% from Canada and 6% from Germany, with the rest coming from elsewhere in the world.


22,000 Listeners (monthly)


⚽️ Sport✈️ Travel




We tend to enjoy around 20,000 listens to our two main shows each week, with 53% of our listeners listening on Apple podcasts, 25% listening on Spotify anf the rest using our podcasting platforms. 92% of our listeners are men, with our largest age range being 28-34 year olds (33%), 23-27 year olds (30%) and 35-44 year olds (19%).
No data available


Starting at $700

Main Offer

$700 /month
Monthly sponsoring
For a highly-engaged sports podcast with key demographics for young men in ideal markets, we would be looking for a monthly sponsorship deal of around $700 for a mid-episode ad which was read by our host. We would be willing to ad pre-roll ads to the episode too for additional cost.