a single song review

a single song review

📰 Newsletter🎵 Music🇺🇸 English
1,082 Subscribers
Starting at $50/cpm
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a single song review is a free weekly newsletter diving deep into a song from an underground artist, expoloring what makes it great, where it could improve and more. our very active base of subscribers enjoy the regular music recommendations with a human touch. foregoing algorithms and instead giving great resons why people should check out new music from off the beaten track.

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My audience is a list of music fans and people interested in discovering new music, as well as a large contingent of musicians and artists. The gender split leans male slightly, is largely UK based and is mostly between 21 & 31. The niche they are interested in is focused on music, including gigs, playlsits, new releases and similar.


1,082 Subscribers


🎵 Music




last 10 reviews engagement: avg open rate: 31.46% (industry benchmark: 21%) avg click rate: 1.28% (industry benchmark: 0.6%) avg unsubscribe rate: 0.3% (industry benchmark: 0.3%)
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Starting at $50
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$50 per 1000 views
CPM (pay per 1000 views)
We offer 3 main types of ads: - multi ad; £10 cpm (1 of 3 ad positions, 50 words of copy & 1 link to landing page, no logo or images) - full sponsorship; £50 cpm (full advertiser section, logo & header image, 500 words of copy, multiple links to landing page) - sponsored send; £150 cpm (bespoke email send to database)