The Inn

The Inn

📰 Newsletter🚀 EntrepreneurshipUnknown
19,000 Visitors (monthly)
Starting at $350/sponsoring_monthly
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The Inn, your daily destination for a curated selection of stories that explore the diverse spectrum of growth, success, failure, and much more. We're committed to delivering valuable insights and thought-provoking content directly to your inbox, and the best part? It's all absolutely FREE.

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The Inn's readership is a powerhouse of talent and innovation. Our audience primarily consists of CEOs, Founders, Co-Founders, and Marketing Managers from US and UK.


19,000 Visitors (monthly)


🚀 Entrepreneurship💵 Finance🎯 Marketing📈 Productivity📦 Software🏢 Startups🛠️ Tools


north america


Open Rate: 24% Click through rate: 7%
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Starting at $350
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Main Offer

$350 /month
Monthly sponsoring
We will place your ad at the top of the newsletter in the sweet spot to maximize clicks. The ad will include 1) your logo, 2) ad content, and 3) a call-to-action (CTA). You will need to provide all three elements. If you wish to book a slot for a month, the base price will be $1400.