

📰 NewsletterUnknownUnknown
2,650 Visitors (monthly)
Starting at $3/cpc
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Our newsletter is for all different types of people in AI. When we say normal people, it can be for people never hearing about ai, a little familiar, in a job that could help them use ai, working for an ai company, or even starting their own ai company. Any and all people are welcome and we hope this helps your target audience.

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My audience is people that are hungry in learning more about ai and how to utilize it in their day to day. We break down tough concepts into digestable easy to understand pieces of information.


2,650 Visitors (monthly)


Unknown🪙 Crypto🏢 Startups📦 Software💻 Tech



I've got an open rate of more than 48% through the Beehiiv platform with a click rate of 16%. I write everyday Sunday through Thursday and each newsletter ranges from 700-1200 words.
No data available


Starting at $3

Main Offer

We have a list of resources that are links and i could place there for $3 or embed into the newsletter for $7 to make it not look like an ad. I've got an open rate of more than 48% with over 2,600 subscribers through the Beehiiv platform.