AI Fire

AI Fire

📰 NewsletterUnknown🇺🇸 English
33,800 Subscribers
Starting at $130/sponsoring
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Why do tech giants and AI innovators choose AI Fire? Your next big opportunity awaits. Reach 300,000+ targeted professionals: Entrepreneurs, AI Experts, Founders, and Marketers from companies like Google, Amazon, Salesforce, NVIDIA, and Microsoft. Our audience isn't just browsing—they're actively hunting for cutting-edge AI tools and resources. They trust us to deliver. We're not just a newsletter. We're the daily pulse of AI across multiple channels: - Newsletters - Facebook Group - Facebook Fan Pages - LinkedIn Profile In AI's rapid evolution, daily means relevant. With us, you're at the heart of tech's hottest conversations. Ready to ignite your AI marketing? Let's fuel your growth.

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Our readers are highly-skilled professionals in tech, marketing, entrepreneurship, and founding roles, primarily from LinkedIn (80%). * Geographic Breakdown: 53% US, 10% UK, 2% Canada, 18% Europe. * Seniority Level: 45% Founder/C-Level, 12% Exec/VP/Director, 20% Senior-level. * Income: 55% earn over $150k/year. We maintain a highly engaged audience through daily removal of inactive subscribers. This ensures your ads reach a focused group of active, high-earning professionals. Other Acquisition Channels: * Facebook (10%) * Google SEO (5%) * Reddit (3%) * Other (2%)


33,800 Subscribers


Unknown📊 Data🚀 Entrepreneurship🎯 Marketing🛠️ Tools




Key stats: Open rate: 40% CPM: ~$11 Click-through rate: 5.4% Estimated clicks: 350-700 Estimated CPC: $0.6 - $3.5
No data available


Starting at $130
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Main Offer

$130 /sponso
One-time sponsoring
Main Ad Slot: Near the top of email, 400 characters max, one CTA button. Limited to 1 per issue.