

πŸ“° NewsletterπŸš€ EntrepreneurshipπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ English
1,026,993 Subscribers
Starting at $1000/sponsoring
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Oneminread is your daily dose of interesting news and stories from around the world, with over 1,000,000 members! We are proud to offer exceptional click-through rates for our sponsors.

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Audience type: General audience Age: 18 - 40 Geography: USA, UK


1,026,993 Subscribers


🏒 StartupsπŸ› οΈ ToolsπŸ“ˆ ProductivityπŸ“š Philosophy🎯 MarketingπŸ₯ HealthπŸš€ EntrepreneurshipπŸ“– Education


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Our Daily Metrics: Subscriber count: 10,22,693 Open Rate: 38-40% CTR: 21%
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Starting at $1,000
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$1,000 /sponso
One-time sponsoring
You have the freedom to choose where you want your ad to be displayed within our newsletter: 1) Banner: Positioned at the top of the newsletter. 2) Mid: Placed in the middle of the newsletter. 3) Footer: Located at the end of the newsletter. Our newsletter is sent out twice a week and features short news summaries, personal blogs, and other stories. Our audience includes CEOs, founders, marketing heads, students, and the general public. The majority of our audience is based in the United States, United Kingdom