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11,000 Visitors (monthly)
Starting at $1/sponsoring
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Baritopost is an online news portal that is based in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan (Kalsel) province. It covers various topics such as law and crime, economy and business, sports, local and national news, and more1

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Audience is an online news portal that targets the audience in South Kalimantan province, especially Banjarmasin city and its surrounding areas. It covers various topics such as law and crime, economy and business, sports, local and national news, and more


11,000 Visitors (monthly)


UnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknown📢 Advertising🔗 Blockchain📊 DataUnknown🎮 Gaming🏥 Health🔧 No-code🔬 Science⚽️ Sport🛠️ Tools💻 Tech




- Average monthly visits: 11.000 (based on similiarweb) - Percentage of visitors from Indonesia: 97.5% - Year of establishment: 1999 - Parent company: PT Wahana Karya Media - Motto: Berpikir Kritis Bertindak Demokratis (Think Critically Act Democratically) - Vision: Sebagai jendela informasi bagi pembaca maupun masyarakat dalam memaknai era keterbukaan dan kebebasan dalam mengakses informasi publik (To be a window of information for readers and society in interpreting the era of openness and freedom in accessing public information) - Mission: Menyajikan informasi yang akurat, aktual, dan berimbang sesuai dengan kode etik jurnalistik (To present accurate, actual, and balanced information in accordance with journalistic ethics) *We have just revamped our website which was originally only an archive of newspaper articles. In the future, we will enter the online world. This is just the beginning.
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$1 /sponso
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monthly sponsoring article (30 article with 1 article a day) = min. $80 cpc=$1 ads= $25