How to Monetize an App with Ads

By Nico
April 27, 2023 · 2 min read
In the competitive world of mobile apps, finding a revenue stream that is both effective and sustainable is crucial. In-app advertising stands out as a promising solution, but how can you ensure you're maximizing your earnings without compromising user experience? Discover strategies to seamlessly integrate ads and boost your app's profitability.

Introduction to In-App Advertising

Navigating the crowded seas of mobile apps can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to establishing a reliable revenue stream. In-app advertising is a tried-and-true method to generate income, but choosing the right strategy is key. Let’s explore various ad formats, networks, and techniques to maximize your app revenue without compromising your users’ experience.

Understanding the Different Ad Formats

To make the most out of in-app advertising, choosing the right ad formats is crucial:

  1. Banner Ads: Positioned at the top or bottom of the screen, they are unobtrusive but suffer from low click-through rates.
  2. Interstitial Ads: Full-screen ads that appear during content transitions. High engagement but can disrupt if not implemented properly.
  3. Native Ads: These blend seamlessly into the app's interface, offering a user-friendly experience, but watch out for design pitfalls.
  4. Video Ads: Typically last 15-30 seconds and outperform other formats in engagement and eCPM.
  5. Rewarded Ads: Subcategory of video ads where users voluntarily watch in exchange for rewards, resulting in high engagement.

Understanding these options helps you select the best format for both user experience and profitability.

Selecting the Right Ad Network

After choosing your ad formats, finding the right ad network is next. Here are some top networks to consider:

  • Google AdMob
  • Facebook Audience Network
  • IronSource
  • AppLovin
  • Unity Ads

Consider factors like fill rate, CPM, supported formats, integration ease, and payment terms. Leveraging multiple networks with a mediation platform can further optimize performance and revenue.

Maximizing Your Ad Revenue

To drive ad revenue sky-high, adhere to these best practices:

  • Optimize Ad Format & Placement: Experiment to find the best-performing combinations that enhance both user experience and revenue.
  • Experiment with Frequency & Timing: Balance engagement with user satisfaction. For instance, time ads to follow meaningful in-app actions.
  • Leverage User Data & Targeting: The more relevant the ads, the higher the engagement. Use insights from your app to refine targeting.
  • Implement Ad Mediation: Streamline managing and optimizing multiple networks to maximize fill rates and CPMs.
  • A/B Testing: Keep evolving your strategies through testing formats, placements, and targeting methods.

Monitoring & Analyzing Performance

Regular analysis ensures you're capitalizing on your monetization opportunities. Track key metrics like:

  • Click-through Rate (CTR)
  • Conversion Rate
  • Cost Per Mile (CPM)
  • Effective Cost Per Mile (eCPM)
  • Fill Rate
  • Revenue Per User (RPU)

Using these insights will help refine your strategy, ensuring your app's profitability is always increasing.


Monetizing an app via ads isn’t just about implementation—it's a constant evolution of strategy and refinement. Choose formats wisely, partner with robust networks, and perpetually tweak your approach to keep the revenue flowing. Complement these efforts with other monetization models like in-app purchases or subscriptions for a comprehensive strategy. For more actionable insights, explore resources on platforms like Ahrefs.

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Hey! I'm the founder of Open For Ads. I help advertisers find the best way to reach their audience with independent media.